Thursday, April 27, 2006

Avery's motto: "Always be ready."
This is how one must sleep when you are born second to a brother such as Donovan

Okay, for those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the latest blogging update from the South, the following little "week in review" will explain why it has taken me so long to finally fulfill my promises in keeping this site updated.

Heck- forget the WEEK in review...lets just review the last 10 MINUTES.....

10:49am All is quiet in the Reyes domain...never a good sign
I search only to discover Donovan sitting on the kitchen floor dousing himself in Windex. Maybe it was something he gleaned from watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," or maybe he just thought his bath wasn't good enough and he wanted a streak free shine, regardless of the reason, he was soaked from the neck down in window cleaner.
Stifling a laugh, and chiding myself for letting him out of my sight, I carry him to the restroom.

10:51am I have peeled off all of his clothes, and all that remains is his scapular and diaper. I wash off the windex residue and leave him there in a towel while I go find him another change of clothes. (mistake #2)

10:53am Returning to the bathroom there is only a shrugged off towel where a boy once stood, so again I am searching for him, but don't have to go far as he is in the living room washing the marble floor in a sticky mixture of strawberry-banana juice with his bare hands.
(Sounds like he has a thing for cleaning, huh?) I catch myself muttering aloud, "how on earth do you come up with this stuff, Donovan?" I once again return him to the bathroom and repeat the washing all over again (at least his clothes weren't on this time!). Next I dress him and make him stand against the wall while I now clean the floor.

Now Avery is crying. He was sleeping soundly in his swing
all this time, but when this kid wakes up, he does so with trumpets blasting!
I finish with the floor and go to him.

10:57am Avery gave up and went back to sleep, so I take the opportunity to open the blog for a much needed update.

10:58 am Donovan enters the room carrying something, as I see out of the corner of my eye....
a second glance and I see it is his little plush baseball. I then actually make the mistake of inwardly sighing in relief that for once he is playing with something normal....

10:59am Donovan approches Avery sleeping peacefully in his swing....and I know that can go two ways, either Donovan will reach in a lovingly pat or kiss him, or something else.
I guess this time he went for option number two, as before I can jump in to rescue poor Avery, Donovan gave him a good four or more thumps on the head with the plush (thank God) baseball.
So for those of you who were becoming perturbed with the lack of news,
there. Thats the latest.