Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ooh-klahoma: Revisited

A wonderful visit to be sure. Memories to treasure...and spoiled beyond measure!

Pee is for Potty

Let the potty training begin! Donovan has decided
on his own that he is ready for the big boy potty...
now getting him to actually do more than just SIT on it
is the next challenge. He has lovingly named his potty
"Flush," which he says with a Donald Duck accent.
Last night he finally went pee.......but on the COUCH.
Yeah, he escaped and ran in all of his glorious nakedness
to the entertainment room where I discovered him sitting,
remote control in hand, with a perfect little fountain forming a
neat little stain on the cusion. He was mildly concerned, but
mostly excited because mommy got out the "spray" to clean it.

Obviously we will continue to work towards better timing and aim.

Today the couch, tomorrow who knows...sometime before he's 30:
The TOILET. Suggestions, please??????? Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

Pre-School Days!

Hurry up mom I want to get to school!
Its my first day and I can hardly contain my
excitement! You are going to be so proud of
me...just you wait!!!

 Posted by Picasa

Estamos Aqui

Shakira...Live in Concert!
What an awesome show!
And we were in the 10th row, stage right!

At this point I was physically holding my husband back by his shirt-tails as he was leaning forward so far that he was convinced he could touch Shakira. (Thank you Bud-Light)

A wonderful night out together...even if I wasn't his "only girl" that night...but he told me that Shakira was the SECOND prettiest;) Posted by Picasa