Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Birth of Bellezza

Your Moment, Made Timeless
Kateri Reyes, Photographer

My newest venture will surely be a labor of love, and while this new baby of mine is not a living thing, its purpose will be to make living things live on forever, captured and frozen in timeless visual memories. For a very early birthday present my loving husband purchased for me quite and extensive professional camera set, and so it is the beginning of my enterprise venture: Bellezza Photography. Bridal/Wedding photography is my first love and will therefore be the forefront of my business, but additionally I will do portraiture, commercial & artistic still photography. So step on up all you locals who want to get a good deal while it lasts, for this rookie is building a portfolio now and giving deep discounts to those who will be the guinea pigs!
These wedding photos below are from my little cracker jack camera, so just imagine what this eye can find with a pro cam!

From Roomies to Mommies

Kateri & Avery (12 mo), Erinn & Catherine (9 mo) My dear friend and former college roommate, Erinn Barker-Folts came down from New York for a family visit, and dropped in on her former roomie to exchange glimpses of babies and swap stories of married/mommy life. A brief visit to be sure, but wonderful nonetheless! As you can see, I am not lying when I say that most babies dwarf Avery by 9 months, as little Catherine clearly demonstrates. But small he may be he certainly isn't shy around the girls, for he was quite smitten with Catherine. Time flew by with all our talking, but one thing never changes...we can still sqeeze in an amazing amount of words per minute...even with babies competing!

Monday, April 02, 2007

A wince and a smile...

Lets just say thats its a monday, in the worst possible ways. But what could spread cheer than a few glimpses of the cutest faces in the south? Even though for me, THEY are in large part the reason why this monday is so manic, it does my soul good to see them in their finer moments. (rather than catching Donovan swimming in a gallon of apple juice on the kitchen floor that he saw fit to pour for himself into an imaginary cup. When I discovered him he was actually proud, singing his song "pick-up, pick-up" (from him it sounds like peek-up, peek-up!), swishing a sopping towel through the river of sticky liquid, spreading it far and wide. Or Avery grinding bananas into the welcome mat, and popping up every 3 minutes holding his cheeks and crying because those mean molars are making their debut in his tiny mouth. The real icing on the cake though was that my computer crashed and my loving husband (without telling me anything) took it upon himself to restore the computer to a point one year ago, thus irreverably erasing several months of photos and documents. Good morning....too bad its April 2nd, because I was really looking forward to the "April Fools!" punchline in that one!

For all of you other moms who are enjoying the traumas that may be occuring this morning, or any other, here is a wince and a smile passed on to you, and some cute pics to make you laugh. Go hug your kids, and your husband too- and remember, us moms are all in this together.