Wednesday, May 09, 2007


What a splendid weekend it was for us all! Nana Bugos flew in for a relaxing Thurdsday through Monday visit. We had not seen eachother since Katherine's wedding in October, so this trip was long overdue! It was not a time for sightseeing or events, but rather a time for Nana to immerse herself in all things Donovan & Avery. She got a very real look at our munchkins in their natural habitat:) Since she was on a solo mission, it was the first time ever that she didn't have any rightfully jealous "son-uncles" to fight over her lap with the "grandbaby-nephews", and so she delighted this time in great games of hide and seek, and snuggles with napping babies. I of course enjoyed the time immensely, as it provided lots of priceless mother-daughter time, a great gift for both of us just before Mother's Day. Of course now we are all pining away at the distance between us, and the boys still wake up each morning and from each nap uttering the question, "were's Nana?" With that Donovan always answers himself, "Nana-airplane-whooosh-Oklahoma!" He gets it!
Hopefully we will stick to our plan of making sure Nana gets a solo visit at least once a year, for it was a priceless bonding experience for the boys and her!!! We love you Nana!!!